Well Video Logging: A Key Diagnostic Tool
It is hard to overestimate the value of video logging when it comes to diagnosing problems with a water supply well. While various diagnostic tools and chemical tests are available,…
It is hard to overestimate the value of video logging when it comes to diagnosing problems with a water supply well. While various diagnostic tools and chemical tests are available,…
On the face of it, it would seem that bringing as much water as possible into a well as fast as possible would be a good thing, however that does…
Because it usually requires very little effort to collect the data necessary for the calculation of Specific Capacity, it is an extremely useful measurement that can be used to identify…
All wells will experience performance declines over their lifespans, some wells more rapidly than others. For instance, wells in alluvial deposits, while generally more productive than bedrock wells, tend to…
We see many wells, including new ones, that are not performing as they should, with specific capacity and well efficiency much lower than they should be for the hydrogeological conditions.…
The well seal, also known as a sanitary seal, is an important component of a water well that protects the well from surface water contamination and provides protection for the…